The goal of creating and establishing Amnsazeh company engineering systems was based on activities in the field of protection and security requirements in different aspects with safety systems to suit the needs of the country.
Besides overcoming the internal needs by creating local employment and technical knowledge, as far as possible and at the same time and cooperation with authentic foreign companies that were in the field of our company duties, The Company started its activity in 2005 and so far, with 10 years of accumulated good experiences are saved. .
Amnsazeh Company in the framework of regulations and standards on date 2005 registered in the Companies Registration Office with 240769 number and at the same time attempting to recruit and started its activities.
Tasks and missions of the company:
Amnsazeh Company has been registered in accordance with Constitution and the Official Gazette and introduced their managers immediately that could be attempt in the field of Consultation, design. Buy. Sale and installation of security systems and supplying security systems with upgraded equipment and training of introduced staffs by the bosses based onplan or received projects.
In line with specified and defined Organizational mission of this company, the commerce sector began to correspond with authentic European and East Asian companies to obtain credible agencies representatives. Of course, improving the capacity and upgrades of forces isone of the most important goals of the company with the latest world technology.
These companies together attempted to the issuing representation for penhan did &amnsazeh companies
Fortunately Amnsazeh Company could take Representation of European and American’s credible companies in its short term of activities and had its activities Continuation even before sanction on Iran with under line companies:
DPK System in Poland - Szelpo in Hungary – ISGUS in Germany – ICM in Belgume – Betafence in Belgiume – Golobal Security in Portogal- Vido Security in Austrian – Advent DVR in USA – IVC in USA- Boldcommunication in UK – XRay in UK -Duvie in Italia - E.A.S in Spania and …..etc
Some of the above companies have granted representation to Penhan did and some to Amnsazeh companies, which previously has been briefly introduced as P.DN Company and A.S.H Company
Unfortunately, in the beginning of sanctions And problems arising from this – A.S,H company inevitably limited the scope of its activities into the inside and with coordination of mentioned companies and their common agreement has stopped jointly cooperation till removing the sanction. And Amnsazeh Company Inevitably By adopting the best way to convert this threat into an opportunity and engage in education, training and raise the quality and quantity of participated staff.
And fortunately now with eliminating of sanction in recent year and welcoming of countries specially European countries Terms of collaboration were provided and this caused senior managers of Amnsazeh company which is affiliated to the retirement center with new policy, Take appropriate Internal measures to local needs, and to expand the scope of its activities in the Middle East, especially Iran,
Along with this decision and allocating sufficient budget which caused our commercial and Relations International Affairs sections with understanding and assessment of markets , Middle East market, particularly neighboring countries requires a serious commitment, paving the way for the expansion of the core business within the regulations prescribe.
As a result:
For this purpose, the company decided to allocate an appropriate funding and recognition of credible companies or other European countries such as Britain or America, after consulting capabilities and common advice to buy part of the shares of the companies, as an authentic representative to expand Joint venture scope of our activities. Of course, Purchasing of shares. Dedicating business Space alongside appropriate recruitment for large and untapped market in this region, especially neighboring countries in need of expert meetings will be done after the initial correspondence and obtaining a preliminary agreement this will be possible with selected companies.
Company commercial manager Mr. Abbas Khandan with Phone No. 00989196688188during a month after the initial announcement will respond directly or through representative offices abroad.
Important NOTICE:
from The date of publication of this notice on the website and for prevention of any potential abuse and clear communication this is essential that all inquiries take place and directly confirmed via email and telephone .
With respect
A.S.H Co., Managing director